Car Accidents With Uninsured or Underinsured Drivers
Getting into a car accident is never a pleasant situation, but thankfully accident insurance is designed to limit the financial repercussions of being involved in a motor vehicle crash. In the state of New Jersey, laws require motorists to carry a very minimal amount of liability insurance to cover the costs of an accident. Unfortunately, this minimum threshold rarely covers the full costs of an accident, and some car owners fail to adhere to insurance laws. What happens when you’re involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist?
Uninsured Drivers
If the driver at fault doesn’t carry any car insurance, then it will be a challenge trying to get compensation from that individual. In many cases, an individual who can’t afford the bare minimum car insurance required by law isn’t likely to be able to pay you even in the event you are successful in receiving a court settlement. You’ll need to consider using your uninsured motorist coverage nj from your own personal insurance.
Underinsured Drivers
Underinsured drivers don’t carry enough coverage to provide for your full financial needs. It’s usually not immediately apparent whether a motorist is underinsured or not until you have a good understanding of the value of your car crash in paterson nj. Once you do realize that the driver at fault is underinsured, you’ll need to inform your insurer and seek an underinsured driver claim through your own insurance.
New Jersey Uninsured & Underinsured Accident Attorneys
When you’ve been the victim of another driver’s negligence, it’s important to understand your options for receiving compensation. If the driver at fault is uninsured or underinsured, then the experienced personal injury attorneys at CourtLaw can help you explore your options. Contact our attorneys today at 866-632-4211 to discuss your accident claim.
The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.