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Pool & Beach Safety Steps For The Labor Day Holiday Weekend

August 24, 2017

The Labor Day holiday weekend unofficially ends Summer 2017 and many will spend part of the weekend either in a pool or at a beach. The American Red Cross wants you to be safe and has some steps you can follow to safely enjoy your summer water fun: POOL SAFETY Ideally, you should learn to swim before enjoying the water. While at the pool: Swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards. Always swim with a buddy; do not allow anyone to swim alone. Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets around water, but do not rely on life jackets alone. Have appropriate equipment, such as reaching or throwing equipment, a cell phone, life jackets and…

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Be Safe By Avoiding Truck’s Blind Spots

August 23, 2017

In this driver training video, Utah DOT  highlights the importance of recognizing where the blind spots are around large trucks and buses and how to avoid driving in them. Due to their size and height, semi trucks and buses have several large blind spots where a car or small truck will virtually “disappear” from a truck driver’s view. Learning the location and scope of each blind spot or “no zone” can help you avoid them. Some tips from Wiki How to stay out of a truck’s blind spots are detailed as follows: Know the four areas drivers should avoid: the front, rear and both sides of the tractor to the front of the trailer. Traveling in these areas will greatly increase the potential for you getting into…

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Personal Injury Terminology & Defintions

August 22, 2017

Making a personal injury claim can be complicated, time-consuming, and confusing for anyone who isn’t a personal injury lawyer. If you’re currently going through a personal injury lawsuit, we have complied a list of legal terms with their meanings that can help you to understand what is happening with you case: Complaint: A complaint is the initial step to filing a lawsuit. When you want to file a personal injury claim in court, you file a complaint with a court clerk, pay a filing fee, and then begin the lawsuit process. The complaint will contain specific information, such as allegations about what happened, a demand for compensation, and a request to go to trial. Plaintiff: The person who files the lawsuit against the…

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How to Report Aggressive Drivers in New Jersey

August 21, 2017

According to the Department of Law and Public Safety of the State of New Jersey, each year millions of phone calls regarding roadside emergencies and life-threatening accidents pour into New Jersey’s emergency call centers. Dial #77 to report aggressive drivers. This number is operated by the New Jersey State Police and should be used to report aggressive or erratic driving that poses a risk to other motorists on the roadway. While these calls are important, 9-1-1 calls are prioritized over #77 calls as required by law. In #77 call response, police services are made aware of the report and respond according to availability and proximity to the incident, as well as, seriousness of the report. This system should not be used to report…

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Bicycle Safety Tips

August 13, 2017

Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates that “there are more than 450,000 injuries associated with bicycles that landed people in ERs in 2016.   The most frequent diagnoses were contusions/abrasions (23.0%), fractures (21.7%), and lacerations (15.4%)”. While only 1% of all trips taken in the U.S. are by bicycle, bicyclists face a higher risk of crash-related injury and deaths than occupants those of motor vehicles.  Whether you bike to work or school; to save money or time; to preserve your health or the environment; to explore your community or get to your destination, there is always an opportunity to review some tips on how to ride safely and perform maintenance on your bike. Effective interventions to reduce injuries and fatalities to bicyclists include the following…

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For over a decade, CourtLaw has represented me and my family on matters related to car accidents and personal injury cases. I am extremely satisfied with the work the firm has performed. In addition, the staff is professional, friendly, and efficient. I highly recommend Karim Arzadi to those seeking a good lawyer.
I am very pleased for the great legal support that CourtLaw has provided to me and my family throughout the years we have been clients of this firm. I highly recommend CourtLaw and their team of attorneys.
The entire staff at CourtLaw were supportive to me and my family and provided excellent representation in my car accident case from the beginning of the case to the successful settlement. I highly recommend Karim Arzadi to anyone who needs an excellent and caring attorney. He fights hard for his clients.

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