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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

March 8, 2022

Saint Patrick’s Day, March 17th, is still a couple of weeks away but it isn’t too soon to plan for it.  One thing you want to start planning, now, is how you’re going to get around that day.  Whether you’ll be bar-hopping all day or making one trip from home to mass and back, you won’t want to be driving.  Like it or not, the fact is that some people are going to be consuming alcohol, and some of them lots of it.  And it’ll be happening all day long.  So, even if you’re going to church at 9:00 a.m., there will be revelers out there drinking green beers, already.  A Lyft or Uber Offers a Safer Alternative Unfortunately, and…

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March 7, 2022

The calendar now reads March and that means the national college basketball tournament, also known as “March Madness” will be starting soon. Two New Jersey teams – Seton Hall and Rutgers – will likely be invited to “The Dance” and New Jersey is home to many people who attended or are fans of, other schools who will be in The Tournament, such as Villanova, Notre Dame, and others. What to Expect if Your Lyft or Uber Gets Into an Accident on the Way to “March Madness” Going to a “March Madness” watch party is a lot of fun and so is watching the action at a favorite pub, bar, or brewery. I still recall the night Seton Hall played for the…

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Save Money With Uber and Lyft

February 20, 2022

Many people can’t imagine life without a car. From even before the day we got our driver’s licenses as teenagers, owning a car became a top goal. But transportation is one of the largest expenses in everyone’s budget. Could it be that getting around using a rideshare service like Uber or Lyft is more economical than owning a car?  I’ll answer that question like most lawyers would: “It depends.” How Much Money Can You Save by Utilizing Rideshare Services? If you have a family and young kids who need to be at soccer, scouts, Little League, dance, and other school activities, ditching your car or SUV might not be practical. The same is true if you drive to distant vacations or commute daily where…

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Uber – You’re Protected

February 9, 2022

The weather outside has been really messy lately.  If it isn’t snow, it’s rain.  If it isn’t rain, it’s ice. All these weather events present dangerous traveling conditions. People are grabbing rides from Uber or Lyft more than ever in this nasty weather. A lot of people don’t realize it, but the law helps protect you every time you take a ride in an Uber or Lyft.  While most Uber and Lyft rides get you where you’re going safely, the law recognizes that accidents sometimes happen. That’s why, in New Jersey, Uber and Lyft passengers get the benefit of at least $1.5 million in bodily injury insurance coverage and at least $1.5 million of uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, which Uber and Lyft vehicles are required…

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Talk to a Medical Professional About the COVID Vaccine and Booster

January 25, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on all of us.  Here at the Law Offices of Karim Azadi, we can’t wait to get back to the regular face-to-face, personal contact with our clients that was a trademark of our Firm. And we want everyone to be safe and healthy. The CDC recommends getting a COVID vaccine and a booster. Talk to a health care professional about it. Available Vaccine Transportation Options If you want to get a COVID-19 vaccine or a booster, lack of transportation is no excuse for not getting it. Lyft and Uber both have special offers that make it easier and cheaper to get your COVID vaccine and booster.  Click here to learn more about the services Lyft is…

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For over a decade, CourtLaw has represented me and my family on matters related to car accidents and personal injury cases. I am extremely satisfied with the work the firm has performed. In addition, the staff is professional, friendly, and efficient. I highly recommend Karim Arzadi to those seeking a good lawyer.
I am very pleased for the great legal support that CourtLaw has provided to me and my family throughout the years we have been clients of this firm. I highly recommend CourtLaw and their team of attorneys.
The entire staff at CourtLaw were supportive to me and my family and provided excellent representation in my car accident case from the beginning of the case to the successful settlement. I highly recommend Karim Arzadi to anyone who needs an excellent and caring attorney. He fights hard for his clients.

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Settlement / Car Accident



Settlement / Car Accident



Settlement / Car Accident