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NJ Truck Accident FAQs

Get Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Truck Accidents in New Jersey

I am at the scene of a commercial truck accident and I’m injured. What should I do?

If you’re at the scene of the truck accident, the first thing you should do is call 911 and seek medical attention, regardless of whether you think you’re hurt and even if your injuries are minor. Next, try to collect the truck driver’s insurance information, as well as the driver’s name, address, and phone numbers. Also, collect contact information for other passengers, pedestrians, cyclists, and witnesses. If you have a camera, take photos of the accident scene and aftermath. Then, as soon as you are able, contact your insurance company so that you don’t miss any deadlines and so that your potential case recovery isn’t compromised. While you are at the accident site, or while you are speaking to anyone about your accident, do not admit fault or blame — doing so could compromise your financial recovery.
You also need to contact CourtLaw attorneys immediately so that we can advise you about how to protect yourself and win monetary compensation for your commercial truck accident in New Jersey.

Even if I don’t have any pain or my injuries are minor, should I still see a doctor after a truck accident?

Definitely. You may not feel pain immediately after a truck accident because you are still in shock. Also, brain, neck, and spinal injuries could interfere with pain receptors, so you may not feel anything yet. Moreover, many internal injuries cannot be immediately detected and could be deadly. If you are involved in a truck accident, you should visit an emergency room or doctor to protect yourself and establish a medical record in the event that you are entitled to financial recovery.

What is considered a commercial truck accident?

Many types of trucks are considered to be commercial vehicles. They include tractor trailers, big rigs, 18-wheelers, dump trucks, cement mixers, flatbeds, tankers, garbage trucks, and heavy haulers. Whatever the type of heavy truck, collisions usually lead to catastrophic injuries and, too often, fatalities. When you’ve been injured or a loved one has died because of a large truck accident, CourtLaw attorneys in New Jersey can help you achieve the monetary compensation you deserve.

How do I know whether I should hire an attorney for my truck accident injuries?

Anytime someone has been involved in a commercial truck accident, they should contact a knowledgeable personal injury attorney. Until an experienced truck accident attorney reviews the accident causes and circumstances, as well as your medical reports, you may not know whether you’re entitled to financial recovery. A CourtLaw attorney can help you determine whether you have a case for damages.

How do I know if a truck accident attorney is qualified to represent me?

It’s important that the personal injury attorney you hire is experienced in successfully settling truck accident injury claims for their clients. CourtLaw attorneys have over 20 years of experience recovering damages in the MULTI-MILLIONS for truck accident injury victims. We know the federal, state, and local regulations and laws governing truck drivers and trucking companies and we know what rights truck accident victims have.

Can I handle my own truck accident injury claim?

You can – but that does not mean that you should. Going it alone in your truck accident case could cause you to lose out on the financial settlement to which you’re legally entitled. Insurance companies and trucking company attorneys have sophisticated strategies to ensure that they pay the least amount of money for accident victims’ injuries. They may try to intimidate you by telling you that their offer is the most you can get. They may tell you that if you don’t agree to accept their offer, they won’t pay you anything. The experienced truck accident attorneys at CourtLaw know the tricks used by insurance companies and can negotiate and litigate when necessary to win your rightful compensation.

The truck company insurance representative and a truck company lawyer showed up at the scene of the accident and I talked to them about the incident. Did I mess up my chances of financial recovery?

Unconscionably, the trucking company representatives hope to take advantage of victims who are disoriented by the accident. They want you to make self-incriminating statements and sign away your rights. If you’re on the scene of an accident, don’t talk to the trucking company representatives. You can refer them to the attorneys at CourtLaw, and we will take over immediately. If this already happened and you talked to someone at the scene of the truck accident, it’s not too late. CourtLaw can potentially work around any statements you’ve made and help you secure maximum compensation for your NJ trucking accident.

What should I do if an insurance representative or trucking company lawyer contacts me after the accident?

You should probably not discuss the truck accident with anyone from the insurance company or the trucking company without first speaking to your lawyer. You should also not let them record any conversations you might have with them. What you say could be used against you when filing claims or litigating a financial settlement later. Moreover, sophisticated insurance representatives and trucking company lawyers know how to trip you up in those conversations. Should they contact you, refer them to your attorney or simply hang up.

What if I already made a statement and signed an accident report?

You may have damaged your case, but many judges and an experienced attorney can see through the tactics utilized by trucking companies. If you did sign any forms or affidavits, call CourtLaw right away and let one of our experienced truck accident attorneys help you determine the next step.

What if my family member died because of a truck accident?

If a family member was killed because of a truck accident, you may have the right to file a wrongful death lawsuit. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be able to get justice for your loss.

Will CourtLaw attorneys regularly communicate with me about my case?

Yes. You will be assigned your own attorney and a skilled paralegal, both of whom will be dedicated to your case. We will communicate with you on the status of your case every step of the way. We will also return phone calls in a timely manner. At all times, you will be treated with respect and consideration as we work to resolve your NJ truck accident case on your behalf.

What if I don’t have the extra funds to hire an attorney?

That’s not an issue when you hire CourtLaw attorneys. To meet with us costs you nothing: we provide a free consultation. Additionally, if we take on your NJ trucking accident case, we’ll cover all the costs of investigations, expert witnesses, administrative costs, and court filings. When we win your case, we are paid a pre-agreed percentage from your total settlement. This is known as working on a contingency basis. That way, we don’t get paid until you do. With those payment terms, you can be sure that we will work hard to win your financial recovery.

How concerned should I be if my lawyer doesn’t have experience with truck accident claims?

Any attorney you hire should be experienced in NJ commercial truck accident litigation. The special federal, state, and local regulations and laws that govern the trucking industry are complex. The attorney you choose should be familiar with how trucking companies are sometimes negligent and how their drivers are sometimes reckless. And your truck accident attorney should be skilled in battling their insurance companies and attorneys. Also, the attorney you hire should be knowledgeable about civil court filing and litigation.

What if I think the accident was my fault?

That’s okay. It may seem like the accident was your fault, but it is still possible that it wasn’t. For instance, there may have been factors leading to the crash that had something to do with driver error or a violation of trucking industry standards. An experienced truck accident attorney can investigate and determine whether you have a valid claim.

What should I do next?

For the best monetary results in your NJ truck accident case, contact CourtLaw attorneys today. We offer a FREE case evaluation and can advise you on how you may be able to recover your rightful monetary compensation. We represent clients in Middlesex County, Essex County, Union County, Hudson County, Mercer County, and throughout the rest of New Jersey. We’re available 24/7. Call for a quick response.

TOLL-FREE 866.632.4211
LOCAL 732.442.5900

For over a decade, CourtLaw has represented me and my family on matters related to car accidents and personal injury cases. I am extremely satisfied with the work the firm has performed. In addition, the staff is professional, friendly, and efficient. I highly recommend Karim Arzadi to those seeking a good lawyer.
I am very pleased for the great legal support that CourtLaw has provided to me and my family throughout the years we have been clients of this firm. I highly recommend CourtLaw and their team of attorneys.
The entire staff at CourtLaw were supportive to me and my family and provided excellent representation in my car accident case from the beginning of the case to the successful settlement. I highly recommend Karim Arzadi to anyone who needs an excellent and caring attorney. He fights hard for his clients.

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