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May, 2024

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Successfully Obtained a $1 Million Settlement for a Family After a Devastating Ride-Share Accident

At CourtLaw Injury Lawyers recently secured a $1 million settlement for an Essex County family injured in a ride-share accident. Through meticulous investigation and relentless negotiation, the firm ensured the family received the compensation they needed. For a detailed account, read the full blog post here.

April, 2024

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Successfully Obtained a Settlement of $542,000.00 for a 65-Year-Old Resident of Old Bridge, NJ Who Suffered Injuries in a Car Accident

At CourtLaw Injury Lawyers, we recently had the opportunity to advocate for a 65-year-old resident of Old Bridge, New Jersey, who suffered injuries in a car accident. Our dedicated team was committed to ensuring they received the support and justice he deserved. For a detailed account, read the full blog post here.

April, 2024

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Successfully Obtained a Settlement of $812,000.00 for a Forklift Driver in Bayonne, NJ

In a recent case in Bayonne, NJ, CourtLaw Injury Lawyers was able to obtain a substantial settlement of $812,000.00 for a forklift driver’s injuries despite facing challenges due to the New Jersey workers’ compensation bar. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of thorough investigation and strategic legal representation in personal injury cases.

The forklift driver was injured while on the job and initially sought compensation through the workers’ compensation system. However, due to restrictions under New Jersey law, his options for seeking additional damages were limited. Despite this obstacle, the injured worker and his legal team at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers were able to successfully pursue a civil lawsuit against the responsible party.

March, 2024

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Successfully Obtained $1,350,000.00 in Compensation for a Cuban American resident of Middlesex County.

Despite no property damage and a three-year delay in initiating medical procedures, a Cuban American resident of Middlesex County recently obtained a significant $1,350,000 settlement through CourtLaw Injury Lawyers. This case has attracted attention due to the remarkable increase in the settlement amount, from an initial arbitrator-awarded $100,000. The defense appealed this award, yet the resident’s legal team successfully secured a settlement 13.5 times greater than the initial amount. This remarkable outcome highlights the importance of perseverance and skilled legal representation in seeking justice and fair compensation.

August, 2023

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Successfully Obtained $725,000.00 in Compensation for The Victim of a Rideshare Accident.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers secured a $725,000 settlement for a client based in Essex County. The individual, a resident of Newark, sustained injuries in an accident involving a vehicle from a ridesharing platform. The defense prolonged the case due to a limited number of available judges equipped to manage litigation matters. Adding complexity to the situation, the defendant was operating a plumbing vehicle as an unauthorized taxi at the time of the incident.

June, 2023

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Successfully Obtained $2,450,000.00 in Compensation for The Victim of a Pedestrian Accident.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers successfully secured a settlement of $2.45 million for a client in New Brunswick, NJ. The defendant attempted to shift the blame onto the injured party, citing that they were wearing a black hoodie with a headset and crossing the road against a red light. Furthermore, the defense doctor attributed the client’s injury to degeneration and claimed that delayed treatment was a contributing factor.

May, 2023

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Successfully Obtained $1,250,000.00 in Compensation for The Victim of a Rear-End Accident.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers achieved a significant outcome of $1,250,000 for a client in Trenton, New Jersey. The client was injured in a rear-end collision while driving in stop-and-go traffic. Despite the defense’s attempt to attribute the injuries to a previous work-related incident, our firm successfully obtained the desired results and secured substantial compensation for the client.

May, 2023

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Fall-Down Accident Case for $425,000.00.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers successfully secured $425,000 in compensation for a client from Old Bridge, NJ, who was involved in a fall-down accident. The defense claimed that the client’s injury was a result of previous accidents. In addition, they also presented experts to demonstrate that the defect in question, which was inspected and found to be less than half an inch, had been used by many people without any incidents.

May, 2023

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Personal Injury Case for an NYC Doorman for $650,000.00.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers successfully secured $650,000 for a doorman in New York City, which was more than three times the amount offered by the defense. The defense argued that the treatment was carried out much later and that the Bergen County jury pool was too conservative.

Mar, 2023

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Rideshare Accident Case for $950,000.00.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtained $950,000 for a Jersey City client. She was in a rideshare vehicle hit by an uninsured motorized bicycle. The defense obtained medical and engineering expertise to indicate that there could be no injury due to a lack of property damage.

Mar, 2023

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Fall Injury Case for $485,000.00.

Ernie Blair, a certified trial lawyer with CourtLaw Injury Lawyers, obtained $485,000 for a Rahway, NJ resident. She sued for injury resulting from falling out of a bed that did not have side rails lifted.

Feb, 2023

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Rideshare Accident Case for $705,000.00.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtained $705,000 for a Perth Amboy resident who was injured in a shared ride vehicle. The defendant only had a limited policy of $15,000. The recovery was 47 times that amount.

Jan, 2023

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Motor Vehicle Accident Case for $650,000.00.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtained $650,000.00 for a Linden, NJ resident. The carrier tried blaming the client’s injury on his three past accidents. The recovery was six and a half times more than the carrier’s offer.

Dec, 2022

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Rideshare Accident Case for $725,000.00.

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtained $725,000.00 for a client injured in 2017 as a passenger in a rideshare vehicle. The person who caused the accident only had a $15,000.00 policy. The treatment was done 5 years later, and the carrier denied that it was causally connected.

Nov, 2022

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Rideshare Accident Case for $1,200,000.00.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers settled an Elizabeth resident’s rideshare accident case for $1.2 million with the help of Judge Ciarrocca. The client had four prior accidents. She was injured in a rideshare platform taxi. The defense indicated that there was no property damage.

Oct, 2022

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Laborer Case for $800,000.00.

CourtLaw settled a Union City laborer case for $800k. The defense argued that the workers’ compensation carrier did not authorize the treatment, which was done four years after the accident.

Sep, 2022

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Taxi Accident Lawsuit for $937,500.00.

CourtLaw settled a Trenton client’s case for $937,500.00. She was a passenger in a taxi that rolled into another car and according to the insurance carrier had no property damage. Her previous attorney had advised her to settle for 10k.

Sep, 2022

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Rideshare Accident Lawsuit for $750,000.00.

CourtLaw obtained $775,000.00 for a female rideshare driver. The defendant had a limited policy and the underinsured carrier took the position that the client was not injured because she was able to ride a jet ski and was going to the gym on a regular basis after the accident.

July, 2022

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled an Automobile Accident Lawsuit in Perth Amboy for $750,000.00.

CourtLaw injury lawyers settled an automobile accident lawsuit for a Perth Amboy resident from the Dominican Republic for $750,000.00. The defense argued that his inability to speak English would hinder recovery both on liability and damages.

May, 2022

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Cab Driver Injury Case in Jersey City for $850,000.00.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers settled an accident from Jersey City for $850,000.00. The injured cab driver from Central Africa was hit by a car with no insurance. After lengthy litigation, the matter was settled while being called into Trial.

Apr, 2022

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Patterson Client Case for $350,000.00.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers settled a Patterson client case for $350,000 – ten times what the court arbitration determined it to be worth.

Apr, 2022

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a Jersey City Taxi Accident Claim for $600,000.00.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers settled a Jersey City taxi accident claim for $600,000. The defense indicated injuries were from prior events including a visit to local hospital hours earlier.

Dec, 2021

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Were Able to Resolve a Perth Amboy Resident’s Motor Vehicle Accident Case For $700,000.00.

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers settled a Perth Amboy resident’s motor vehicle accident case for $700,000.00 after five years of protracted litigation. The insurance carrier’s position was that the clients four previous cases were the cause of the injury. The defense attorneys also tried to indicate that the client’s two subsequent accident devalued this matter.

Nov, 2021

The Attorneys at CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Were Able to Resolve a Perth Amboy Mechanic’s Injury Case for $650,000.00.

The defense position was that the plaintiff lost almost no time from work, and the vehicle damage was so small, that it was never repaired.

Nov, 2021

A Jersey City Client of CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Received $450,000.00 as a Result of a Motor-Vehicle Accident That The Defendant Denied.

There was not a police report, and a dash camera video showed the plaintiff with a drink in his hands. Since the insurance company did not have a toxicology report, we were able to keep it out and it helped to settle the case.

Oct, 2021

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers Settled a New Brunswick, New Jersey Cab Driver’s Case for $750,000.00.

The litigation was protracted for over 5 years. The defense would not settle because of a delay in the treatment due to the lack of medical benefits of the taxi insurance.

May, 2021

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtained $800,000.00 for a 68 years old Newark automobile accident victim:

The insurance indicated the injury was not caused by the light impact but by the client’s age and weight.

Jul, 2020

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain $600,000.00 Out of Court Settlement for a Rideshare Accident passenger (Road Bump Induced Injury):

CourtLaw obtained a settlement of $600,000.00 on behalf of a client for injuries sustained while he was a passenger in a Rideshare vehicle. The driver of the Rideshare vehicle drove fast over a pothole in the roadway and the client’s head hit the roof causing him to suffer injuries.

The insurance carrier for the Defendant hired a bio-mechanic expert who rendered an opinion that there was no irregularity in the roadway and that the client could not sustain the injuries from being an occupant of the Rideshare vehicle.

CourtLaw hired a bio-mechanic expert, who through satellite imaging – was able to demonstrate that there was indeed an irregularity in the roadway disputing the insurance carrier’s expert and proffered medical documentation to support that client’s injuries were sustained as the result of the vertical g load causing the client’s head to strike the roof. The photos taken from the satellite by our expert induced the insurance carrier for the Rideshare Vehicle to settle this matter out of court.

If you were injured as the result of an accident, please contact our office for the trusted legal representation you deserve.

May, 2020

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain $900,000.00 settlement for Automobile Accident Lawsuit

CourtLaw successfully negotiated the settlement of a motor vehicle accident case for $900,000.00 prior to the trial of the matter. The settlement was negotiated using remote technology. The Honorable Bruce Kaplan, Judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey guided the remote settlement negotiations between the parties.

Attorneys for the Defendant drivers retained biomechanical experts and medical experts in an attempt to dispute the severity of the permanent injuries sustained by the Arzadi represented client in the motor vehicle accident which took place in Perth Amboy claiming the low impact and minimal damage to the client’s vehicle would not substantiate the permanent injuries sustained by the client.

Despite the public health emergency, CourtLaw is here to serve you remotely to fight for your rights. Please do not hesitate to contact us at (732) 442-5900 or through our website courtlaw.com should the need arise for legal representation due to injuries and damages sustained as the result of a motor vehicle accident, fall down accident or an injury at work.

CourtLaw was able to obtain a package of one million and two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($1,250.000.00) for a 65-year-old Newark automobile accident victim.

The matter was resolved within one year for the full amount of available insurance.

October, 2019

CourtLaw was able to get a package of $665,000.00. for a Motor Vehicle Accident case.

One of the defenses set forth that they not involved in accident. In addition, they tried the usual and customary defense ploy of degenerative disease. Once facing a jury changed all that and justice was served.

April, 2019

CourtLaw resolved a Motor Vehicle Accident matter for $800,000.00.

Defendants position was that the Plaintiff did not meet the Verbal Threshold because of negative MRI’s.

March, 2019

Today, CourtLaw settled a motor vehicle accident case for $750,000.00 in Middlesex County.

The settlement was fifty (50) times the offer made to the client because of a prior accident.

March, 2019

 CourtLaw was able to settle a case for an Essex County maintenance man for the amount of $500.000.00.

The matter was dismissed for over two years with a previous lawyer. The Defense was that the injuries were caused by his prior and two subsequent accidents.

February, 2019

The Law Office of obtained a settlement of $500,000.00 for an automobile accident victim in New Jersey.

The carrier offer was $50,000.00, but the Attorneys at CourtLaw obtained ten (10) times their offer. The defense-independent medical examination indicated that it was not a permanent injury but degeneration. As a result, the client did not meet the verbal.

January, 2019

The Law Office of obtained a settlement of $465,000.00 on behalf of a client for injuries and damages sustained as the result of a motor vehicle accident.

The Attorneys at CourtLaw were able to settle a case where the defendant’s position was that the plaintiff’s vehicle was at fault since it had a stop sign and a left turn.

December, 2018

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain a $650,000.00 settlement for an accident victim in New Jersey.

The defendants’ position was that the client’s two prior car accidents and his workers’ compensation claim where the cause of his injuries.

October, 2018

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain a $285,000.00 settlement for a New Jersey accident victim.

The Attorneys at CourtLaw were able to settle a case for $285.000.00, the remainder of the $300.000.00 single-limit policy. The defendant’s alleged “independent medical examination” concluded that the injury was not related to the accident.

October, 2018

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain a $500,000.00 settlement for a Hudson County cab driver.

The insurance carrier’s previous offer was $50,000.00. The defense position was that the light impact did not cause the injuries and that they were degenerative in nature.

August, 2018

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain $350,000.00 settlement for Automobile Accident Victim.

Settlement was obtained after the defense counsel went to appellate court and lost in trying to get the case dismissed. Defendant position was that because the large gaps in treatment, injuries were not related to the accident but due to degeneration, a standard defense ploy.

June, 2018

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain $200,000.00 settlement for Automobile Accident Lawsuit.

Plaintiff was hit by a car while walking across of a highway from a liquor store. Defendant said that plaintiff was liable because was not walking on the cross-walk. We overcame this by utilizing a retired Police Officer.

April, 2018

The Law Office of obtained a settlement of $450,000.00 on behalf of a client for injuries and damages sustained as the result of a motor vehicle accident.

The case was settled upon being assigned to a Trial judge. Defense counsel unsuccessfully argued that our client’s operation of his vehicle was the cause of the accident and that our client had sustained similar injuries prior to the date of the accident.

March, 2018

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain $100,000.00 settlement for Automobile Accident Lawsuit

We settled a lawsuit for a driver who pleaded guilty to running through a red light after four witnesses testified that she ran the red light.

March, 2018

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain $200,000.00 settlement for Automobile Accident Lawsuit

This matter was settled on behalf of our client, a driver who had the same injuries in a prior case against a government entity.

February, 2018

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain $400,000.00 settlement for Slip and Fall Lawsuit

This matter was settled after being sent out for trial. Carrier disputed liability blaming home inspection company. They also indicated damages were not related because client continued to work and had a subsequent accident.

October, 2017

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain $402,000.00 settlement for Automobile Accident Lawsuit

We resolved this matter after another law firm turned case down because a gap in treatment and nominal property damage.

September, 2017

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain $375,000.00 settlement for Automobile Accident Lawsuit

We settled lawsuit three days before court mandated arbitration for $375,000.00. Defense blamed plaintiff for passing on right and retained a biomechanics expert who indicated accident impact was similar to a sneeze.

July, 2017

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain $200,000.00 settlement for Automobile Accident Lawsuit

CourtLaw settled a case on the eve of Trial scheduled in Elizabeth, New Jersey for $200,000.00. The Defendant in the case argued that the substantive medical treatment was five (5) years after the motor vehicle accident date and that the client’s prior criminal convictions would affect his credibility.

June, 2017

CourtLaw Injury Lawyers obtain $140,000.00 settlement for Automobile Accident Lawsuit

CourtLaw recently settled a lawsuit arising out of an automobile accident for $140,000.00. The Arzadi Law Office client was the driver of a vehicle which was struck by another vehicle which made a left turn into her lane of travel. The client’s vehicle sustained minimal damage as a result of the impact The client is 64 years old. The attorney for the driver who struck the client’s vehicle argued that the client’s injuries were degenerative, preexisting, not caused by the accident and that she was treating with the same doctors before the date of the accident. The case was settled prior to trial.

Prior Motor Vehicle Accident Settled Cases

$2,600.000.00 – Driver struck by a pickup truck with a snow plow attachment.

$1,600,000.00 – Plaintiff driver sustained injury as the result of a manhole explosion.

$1,600,000.00 – Driver injured when vehicle was struck from behind resulting in knee replacement surgery.

$1,250.000.00 – Obtained in a mediation on behalf of a client for injuries and damages sustained as the result of a motor vehicle accident. Defense position was that there was no damage to the vehicle so it could not be any injury. Our firm retained a Bio-Mechanical Engineer to refute the defense position.

$1,200,000.00 – Verdict after trial. Driver of vehicle struck from behind. Offer prior to trial was $5,000.00.

$1,200,000.00 – Awarded to driver for injuries and damages sustained in an automobile accident.

$ 900,000.00 – Verdict after trial. Client sustained damages in an automobile accident while he was in the course of his employment. No offer by Defendant prior to trial.

$ 875,000.00 – Driver of automobile involved in accident. Case settled in Middlesex County. Defendant argued liability issues and relation of injuries to impact. Case was previously arbitrated for $75,000.00.

$ 800,000.00 – Driver of a vehicle struck by a vehicle owned and being operated by an employee of the United States Postal Service. Client sustained injuries to his neck.

$ 750,000.00 – Settlement – Driver of vehicle struck from behind sustaining injuries.

$ 729,000.00 – Settlement – Operator of vehicle involved in automobile accident while in the course of his employment.

$ 600,000.00 – Driver of a vehicle struck by a truck carrying recycling materials.

$ 585,000.00 – Driver of a vehicle which was struck from behind sustaining injuries and damages.

$ 500,000.00 – Operator of a vehicle which was struck from behind. Defendant’s insurance carrier argued that client sustained no damage to her vehicle and that injuries did not manifest from the accident itself. Case settled in Middlesex County.

$500,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$500,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck. Offer with prior attorney was $7,500.00

$500,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$460,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$450,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$450,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$450,000.00 – Pedestrian struck by 2 cars throwing her into a embankment. Client required a rod placement in her leg.

$450,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$425,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck that took off.

$425,000.00 – Driver struck by multiple cars.

$400,000.00 – Driver struck by a commercial vehicle.

$390,000.00 – Driver struck by a distribution truck.

$375,000.00 – Pedestrian struck by a car.

$350,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$350,000.00 – Defendant’s position was not injured since fathered 3 kids while case pending.

$340,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$335,000.00 -Passenger of a van struck by another vehicle.

$330,000.00- Driver struck by a car.

$312,500.00 – Driver struck by a car that ran stop sign.

$300,000.00 – Rear-ended 54 years old driver with two prior accidents. Defendant’s position was injury is from aging, and prior events. Case settled in Middlesex County.

$300,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$300,000.00 – Diver struck by a red-light runner vehicle.

$300,000.00 – Rear-ended driver.

$300,000.00 – Driver struck by a Hit & Run vehicle.

$290,000.00 – Driver struck by a commercial vehicle which drove onto oncoming traffic.

$285,000.00 – Driver struck by a car with prior and subsequent accidents.

$275,000.00 – Driver struck by a transportation van.

$275,000.00 – Driver struck by a school bus.

$267,500.00 – Rear-ended driver.

$265,000.00 – Case settled in Middlesex County. Full available insurance policy of the two cars. Defendant’s position was that plaintiff who was a passenger, couldn’t tell how the accident happened, and the person with the larger policy was unavailable.

$250,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$250,000.00 – Driver struck in two separate motor vehicle accidents.

$250,000.00 – Rear-ended driver. Case settled in Middlesex County. Defendant’s position was that $750 property damage was not enough to cause injuries.

$245,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$245,000.00 – Driver struck by another vehicle. Defense claimed same injury 2 years prior.

$240,000.00 – Driver who had prior surgery and was struck by a car.

$240,000.00 – Driver struck by a car while working.

$235,000.00 – Driver struck by a car while working.

$230,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$228,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$225,000.00 – Driver involved in a Head-on collision.

$225,000.00 – Pedestrian struck by a truck.

$225,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$225,000.00 – Driver struck by another vehicle which failed to stop at the stop sign.

$210,000.00 – Passenger struck by a car.

$210,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$210,000.00 – Truck Driver struck by another truck while working.

$200,000.00 – Passenger struck by a car.

$200,000.00 – Driver struck by a car with multiple prior accidents.

$200,000.00 – Motorcycle Driver struck by a car.

$200,000.00 – Driver struck by another vehicle which failed to stop at the stop sign.

$195,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$187,500.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$175,000.00 – Passenger injured when a vehicle ran a stop sign.

$175,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$175,000.00 – School Bus Driver hit by another car while working.

$175,000.00 – Driver struck by a commercial vehicle after past injuries.

$165,400.00 – Driver involved in three separate motor vehicle accidents.

$165,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$150,000.00 – Driver struck by a school bus.

$150,000.00 – Driver struck by another car which pushed him into guardrail several times.

$150,000.00 – Driver struck by a car. Verdict after a trial. $2,000.00 offer with allegations of fraud.

$140,000.00 – Rear-ended Driver.

$140,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$130,000.00Pedestrian struck by a school bus.

$115,000.00 – Driver struck by another vehicle that ran a stop sign.

$115,000.00 – Driver struck by multiple cars which ran a stop sign.

$115,000.00 – Pedestrian-Infant struck by a car.

$112,500.00 – Driver struck by a landscaping truck.

$106,200.00 -Driver of vehicle that was sideswiped by a truck.

$105,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$105,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$100.000.00 – Rear-ended Driver who didn’t treat for 3 months after accident. Defense Doctor indicated it was no injury as result of this accident. Case settled in Hudson County.

$100,000.00 – Driver involved in a Rear-end collision.

$100,000.00 – Driver struck by a truck.

$100,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$100,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$100,000.00 – Truck Driver struck by an uninsured car.

$100,000.00 – Driver struck by another vehicle while working, being unable to work for a lengthy period of time due to his injuries. Case settled to policy limit and is proceeding in underinsured litigation.

$100,000.00 – Driver hit by a car that ran a red light.

$100,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$100,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$100,000.00 – Rear-ended Driver.

$100,000.00 – Pedestrian struck by a truck while making a delivery, not an intersection.

$100,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$100,000.00 – Driver rear-ended by a truck.

$100,000.00 – Driver rear-ended by a car.

$100,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$100,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$100,000.00 – Driver struck by a transit bus.

$100,000.00 – Driver involved in two separate motor vehicle accidents with a judgment for $257,876.00.

$100,000.00 – Rear-ended Driver.

$100,000.00 – Rear-ended Driver.

$100,000.00 – Driver involved in a three-car collision. Struck by a sliding vehicle.

$100,000.00 – Driver struck by another vehicle that ran a stop sign.

$100,000.00 – Rear-ended Driver.

$99,000.00 – Passenger injured when a vehicle made a left turn.

$97,500.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$97,500.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$97,500.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$97,000.00 – Drive which vehicle was sideswiped by another car.

$95,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$95,000.00 – Driver with a shoulder injury.

$95,000.00 – Driver struck by a car that ran the stop sign.

$95,000.00 – Driver with an injury that required multiple level surgery.

$95,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$95,000.00 – Driver struck by another vehicle that failed to stop at the stop sign.

$95,000.00 – Driver Rear-ended.

$95,000.00 – Driver struck by another vehicle pulled out of a parking spot.

$90,000.00 – Pedestrian struck by a car.

$90,000.00 – Driver involved in a multiple car collision.

$90,000.00 – Driver struck by a car exciting a parking space.

$90,000.00 – Driver hit by a saw company truck.

$90,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$90,000.00 – Pedestrian struck by a car in a crosswalk.

$89,500.00 – Driver struck by a commercial truck vehicle. Client required lumbar injections.

$87,500.00 – Driver involved in two separate motor vehicle accidents.

$87,500.00 – Driver rear-ended by a car.

$85,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$85,000.00 – Driver involved in two separate motor vehicle accidents.

$85,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$84,000.00 – Passenger struck by a taxi.

$83,500.00 – Passenger struck by a car.

$80,000.00 – Driver stuck by a car.

$80,000.00 – Driver struck by a car.

$80,000.00 – Driver struck by multiple cars.

$80,000.00 – Client injured by a tractor trailer during working hours.

$80,000.00 – Pedestrian struck by another vehicle while crossing the street.

$75,000.00 – Multiple clients that required multiple injections.

$75,000.00 – Pedestrian hit by a car.

Slip & Fall Accident Cases

$854,013.45Fall down in a casino resort.

$500,000.00 – Fall down in a major commercial store – Back injury.

$400,000.00 – Injured while working in a metal packing box and struck by a forklift.

$375,000.00 – Fall down on a commercial property resulting in fractured ankle.

$350.000.00 – Case settled in Middlesex County. Client was injured while working after defendant oiled doors. Defendant position was that client should have seeing the oil on the floor, and his MRI showed only a bulge.

$235,000.00 – Fall down at a rental property due to snow and ice sustaining a fracture/dislocation of an ankle.

$225,000.00 – Injury after installation of cable TV falls onto infant.

$195,000.00 – Fall down in apartment building stairway – Back injury.

$175,000.00 – Fall down in a major commercial food market.

$125,000.00 – Fall down accident on public commercial sidewalk sustaining a fractured wrist.

$70,000.00 – Fall down in a major commercial store – Back injury.

$70,000.00 – Injury at casino resort from a fallen ceiling requiring injections.

For over a decade, CourtLaw has represented me and my family on matters related to car accidents and personal injury cases. I am extremely satisfied with the work the firm has performed. In addition, the staff is professional, friendly, and efficient. I highly recommend Karim Arzadi to those seeking a good lawyer.
I am very pleased for the great legal support that CourtLaw has provided to me and my family throughout the years we have been clients of this firm. I highly recommend CourtLaw and their team of attorneys.
The entire staff at CourtLaw were supportive to me and my family and provided excellent representation in my car accident case from the beginning of the case to the successful settlement. I highly recommend Karim Arzadi to anyone who needs an excellent and caring attorney. He fights hard for his clients.

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Settlement / Rideshare Accident



Settlement / Car Accident



Settlement / Car Accident



Settlement / Car Accident



Settlement / Car Accident



Settlement / Car Accident